The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
The definitive Catholic Bible in a year podcast, brought to you by Ascension
We found 10 episodes of The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) with the tag “roman catholic”.
Day 225: Our Will Versus God's Will (2022)
August 13th, 2022 | 25 mins 7 secs
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Fr. Mike reviews one of the most powerful verses in Proverbs, dealing with personal discernment and wanting to follow our own will instead of God's. He also goes into a deeper explanation of the prophet, Jeremiah, and how we ourselves can reflect the actions of Israel in the Old Testament. Today's readings are Jeremiah 2, Ezekiel 28, and Proverbs 14:9-12.
Day 224: The Weeping Prophet (2022)
August 12th, 2022 | 20 mins 15 secs
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Fr. Mike introduces us to the prophet Jeremiah, who is also known as the Prophet of Doom and the Weeping Prophet. He explains what makes Jeremiah different than the other prophets, and encourages us to cling closely to him as we hear about his difficult call. Today's readings are Jeremiah 1, Ezekiel 27, and Proverbs 14:5-8.
Day 223: Responding Well (2022)
August 11th, 2022 | 19 mins 29 secs
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Fr. Mike takes us through the last chapter of Isaiah by explaining how our emotions can sometimes get in the way of us responding well to those around us. This means mourning with those who mourn, and rejoicing with those who rejoice, as Isaiah teaches us in preparation for the coming of Christ. Today's readings are Isaiah 66, Ezekiel 25-26, and Proverbs 14:1-4.
Day 222: Idolatry and Adultery (2022)
August 10th, 2022 | 28 mins 29 secs
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Fr. Mike explains the relationship between idolatry and adultery, and how one can easily lead to another, especially in our relationship with God. He also talks about the difference between discipline and abuse, as we cover some tough topics today. Today's readings are Isaiah 65, Ezekiel 23-24, and Proverbs 13:21-25.
Day 221: Walking with Wise Men (2022)
August 9th, 2022 | 26 mins 18 secs
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Fr. Mike expands on the passage we read in Proverbs, and emphasizes how important it is to surround ourselves with people who are striving towards holiness. He also reflects on the book of Isaiah, and how these last couple of stories show that God's justice is always aligned with his infinite mercy. Today's readings are Isaiah 63-64, Ezekiel 21-22, and Proverbs 13:17-20.
Day 220: Prophecy Fulfilled (2022)
August 8th, 2022 | 23 mins 27 secs
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Fr. Mike points out that the prophecy from Isaiah 61 is fulfilled by Jesus (as described in Luke 4). In Ezekiel, Fr. Mike draws our attention to the importance of the Sabbath as the sign of the covenant with God. The readings are Isaiah 61-62, Ezekiel 20, and Proverbs 13:13-16.
Day 219: Separation from God (2022)
August 7th, 2022 | 20 mins 50 secs
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Fr. Mike points out that separation from God is not due to a lack of power or love on God's part, but is a consequence of our willful refusal to follow Him. He also highlights that despite our unfaithfulness, God always has a plan for reconciliation. The readings are Isaiah 59-60, Ezekiel 19, and Proverbs 13:9-12.
Day 218: Each Will Be Judged (2022)
August 6th, 2022 | 28 mins 9 secs
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Fr. Mike reflects on some of the ways that people turn away from God, including: worshipping idols, fasting for selfish reasons, and not honoring the sabbath. He also highlights the passage from Ezekiel 18 that tells us that each person will be judged by their own actions, and not by those of their parents or children. The readings are Isaiah 57-58, Ezekiel 17-18, and Proverbs 13:5-8.
Day 217: The Everlasting Covenant (2022)
August 5th, 2022 | 25 mins 56 secs
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Fr. Mike highlights the rich text in Isaiah 55 and 56 which reveals that the house of the Lord will not only be for the chosen people, but for all people. We also hear the story of how God mercifully restores Israel who is like an unfaithful bride. Today’s readings are Isaiah 55-56, Ezekiel 16, and Proverbs 13:1-4.
Day 216: The Suffering Servant (2022)
August 4th, 2022 | 20 mins 57 secs
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Fr. Mike marvels at the beauty of Isaiah 53, which reveals that Jesus is the Lord's suffering servant and also zeroes in on Ezekiel 15, which reminds us that without God we are like a useless vine that bears no fruit. Today we read Isaiah 53-54, Ezekiel 14-15, and Proverbs 12:25-28.