The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
The definitive Catholic Bible in a year podcast, brought to you by Ascension
We found 10 episodes of The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) with the tag “repentance”.
Day 181: Jonah and the Whale (2022)
June 30th, 2022 | 26 mins 28 secs
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Today, we hear the story of the prophet Jonah, who, unlike Amos, does not want the people to repent. The readings are 2 Kings 15, Jonah 1-4, and Psalm 138.
Day 176: Choosing Eternal Life (2022)
June 25th, 2022 | 21 mins 11 secs
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Fr. Mike explains why all of us are called to listen to the prophets of the Old Testament, and why their role is so important in salvation history. Each of us is building some kind of life and picture of eternity: the question we must ask ourselves is are we building it with God or against him? Today's readings are 2 Kings 8, Hosea 8-10, and Psalm 108.
Day 142: Whole and Joyful Hearts (2022)
May 22nd, 2022 | 19 mins 2 secs
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Fr. Mike uses the readings today to ask the question, how can we love the Lord joyfully, and with our whole hearts? In scripture today we see David succeed in this, while his son Solomon is divided in his love of God. Fr. Mike also explains why David was seeking his own power when taking the census in 2 Samuel, and how he fell subject to the evil one's tempting. Today's readings are 2 Samuel 24, 1 Chronicles 29, and Psalm 30.
Day 134: Devastating Effects of Sin (2022)
May 14th, 2022 | 18 mins 22 secs
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Fr. Mike talks about the horrible things that can happen when we turn away from God and stop asking him "what's the next step?" In today's readings we see David humbled and humiliated, Absalom revealing how devastating sin is, and the evil that comes from war. Today's readings are 2 Samuel 16, 1 Chronicles 21, and Psalm 15.
Day 132: David and Absalom (2022)
May 12th, 2022 | 16 mins 38 secs
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Fr. Mike reflects on the story of David and Absalom, and points out the lack of forgiveness and repentance on both men's part. God forgives us no matter what, but without us mirroring that forgiveness, rebellion can easily rise up. Today's readings are 2 Samuel 14, 1 Chronicles 18, and Psalm 14.