The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
The definitive Catholic Bible in a year podcast, brought to you by Ascension
We found 10 episodes of The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) with the tag “old testament”.
Day 56: Jealous Husbands (2022)
February 25th, 2022 | 22 mins 48 secs
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Fr. Mike explains how God elevates the dignity of women by providing new laws around husbands accusing their wives of unfaithfulness. Today we read from Numbers 5, Deuteronomy 5, and Psalm 90.
Day 55: Obedience to God (2022)
February 24th, 2022 | 24 mins 58 secs
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Fr. Mike underscores the importance of obeying God as he reads from Numbers 4 and Deuteronomy 4. We also read Psalm 88 and learn how it foreshadows the darkness Christ endured on the cross.
Day 44: Priestly Garments (2022)
February 13th, 2022 | 27 mins 44 secs
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Fr. Mike explains how the holy garments for priests described in Exodus 27-28, are intentionally designed to glorify God and highlight his beauty. He also gives us an insight into the heart of the priesthood. We read today from Exodus 27-28, Leviticus 20, and Psalm 119: 57-120.
Day 41: The Day of Atonement (2022)
February 10th, 2022 | 23 mins 40 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible in a year, bible in a year podcast, bible in a year with father mike, bible in a year with father mike schmitz, bible in a year with fr mike, bible in a year with fr.mike, bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz, bible podcast, bible podcast father mike, bible podcast father mike schmitz, bible podcast fr mike, bible podcast fr.mike, bible podcast fr.mike schmitz, bible study, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic mass, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, day of atonement, exodus, father mike, father mike schmitz, fr mike, fr. mike schmitz, fr.mike, god, god’s word, holy sacrifice of the mass, jesus, jesus christ, justice, laws, leviticus, old testament, psalm 77, read the bible, read the bible in a year, religion, rituals, roman catholic, sacrifice, salvation history, scripture, sin offering, the bible in a year with father mike schmitz, the bible in a year with fr mike, the great adventure bible, the great adventure timeline, the poor, the word of god, the bible in a year with father mike, totus tuus, the bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz
Fr. Mike reveals the parallels between the day of atonement and the sacrifice of the mass. We learn how the temple worship practices of the old testament foreshadow the worship practices of the Catholic Church. Today's readings are Exodus 23, Leviticus 16, and Psalm 77.
Day 35: Crossing the Red Sea (2022)
February 4th, 2022 | 18 mins 7 secs
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Fr. Mike explains how all the rules of worship in Leviticus 10 point to the reality that God is holy. We also continue journeying through Exodus 13-14 and Psalm 53 and learn how God fought for the salvation for his people through the crossing of the red sea.
Day 29: Moses Returns to Egypt (2022)
January 29th, 2022 | 22 mins 36 secs
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Fr. Mike delves deeper into Moses' call to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, and reminds us that God desires to make us free so we that can worship him. Today's readings are Exodus 4-5, Leviticus 4, and Psalm 46.
Day 28: The Burning Bush (2022)
January 28th, 2022 | 18 mins 39 secs
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Fr. Mike reads about the powerful moment God reveals himself to Moses in the burning bush and promises to set the Israelites free from slavery. Today's' readings are Exodus 3, Leviticus 2-3; and Psalm 45.
Day 27: The Birth of Moses (2022)
January 27th, 2022 | 22 mins 7 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible in a year, bible in a year podcast, bible in a year with father mike, bible in a year with father mike schmitz, bible in a year with fr mike, bible in a year with fr.mike, bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz, bible podcast, bible podcast father mike, bible podcast father mike schmitz, bible podcast fr mike, bible podcast fr.mike, bible podcast fr.mike schmitz, bible study, burnt offerings, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, egypt, exodus, father mike, father mike schmitz, fr mike, fr. mike schmitz, fr.mike, god, god’s word, israel, jesus, jesus christ, leviticus, mass, moses, old testament, psalm, read the bible, read the bible in a year, religion, roman catholic, sacrifice, salvation history, scripture, the bible in a year with father mike schmitz, the bible in a year with fr mike, the great adventure bible, the great adventure timeline, the word of god, the bible in a year with father mike, totus tuus, the bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz
Today we begin our journey in Egypt and Exodus as Fr. Mike reads about the birth of Moses, and the connection between burnt offerings and the sacrifice of the mass. Today's readings are Exodus 1-2, Leviticus 1, and Psalm 44.
Day 26: God Responds to Job (2022)
January 26th, 2022 | 23 mins 10 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible in a year, bible in a year podcast, bible in a year with father mike, bible in a year with father mike schmitz, bible in a year with fr mike, bible in a year with fr.mike, bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz, bible podcast, bible podcast father mike, bible podcast father mike schmitz, bible podcast fr mike, bible podcast fr.mike, bible podcast fr.mike schmitz, bible study, book of job, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, evil, father mike, father mike schmitz, fr mike, fr. mike schmitz, fr.mike, genesis, god, god permissive will, gods will, god’s word, jesus, jesus christ, job, old testament, psalm 17, read the bible, read the bible in a year, religion, roman catholic, salvation history, scripture, suffering, the bible in a year with father mike schmitz, the bible in a year with fr mike, the cross, the great adventure bible, the great adventure timeline, the problem of evil, the problem of pain, the word of god, the bible in a year with father mike, totus tuus, the bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz
Today we wrap up our journey through the Patriarchs as Fr. Mike finishes the book of Genesis and the book of Job. Fr. Mike particularly draws our attention to God's beautiful yet mysterious response to Job's questions. Today's readings are Genesis 49-50, Job 41-42, and Psalm 17.
Day 24: Tears of Joy (2022)
January 24th, 2022 | 21 mins 42 secs
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Fr. Mike takes a look at the dramatic moment when Joseph makes himself known to his brothers and weeps out of joy. Today's readings are Genesis 45-46, Job 37-38, and Proverbs 4:20-27.