The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
The definitive Catholic Bible in a year podcast, brought to you by Ascension
We found 10 episodes of The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) with the tag “idols”.
Day 164: Tearing Down Idols (2024)
June 12th, 2024 | 22 mins 59 secs
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Fr. Mike points out the results of what happened to the kings who built idols, and what happened to the kings who tore them down. He encourages us to tear down the idols we've built up in our own lives by trusting God with our first fruits. Today's readings are 1 Kings 14, 2 Chronicles 14-15, and Song of Solomon 3.
Day 162: Rehoboam Seeks Counsel (2024)
June 10th, 2024 | 23 mins 48 secs
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Fr. Mike explains why it's better to seek counsel from those who don't necessarily always agree with us, using the experience of Rehobo′am as an example. He also touches on the failed leadership of Jerobo′am as he leads his people into false places of worship and idolatry. Today's readings are 1 Kings 12, 2 Chronicles 10-11, and Song of Solomon 1.
Day 96: Hannah's Prayer (2024)
April 5th, 2024 | 24 mins 18 secs
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As we begin to read the first book of Samuel, Fr. Mike highlights the miraculous birth of Samuel and how Hannah's deep longing for a son never became an idol in her heart. Today's readings are 1 Samuel 1-2 and Psalm 149.
Day 94: Samson and Delilah (2024)
April 3rd, 2024 | 24 mins 2 secs
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Today we follow two stories of betrayal with Samson and Delilah and Micah and the Levite. Fr. Mike also explains why Judges is the best example of how God can use broken people to do his will. The reading are Judges 16-18 and Psalm 147.
Day 91: Gideon's Story (2024)
March 31st, 2024 | 27 mins 41 secs
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In today's reading from Judges, Fr. Mike talk about Gideon's story, and points out how the people began to worship the object Gideon had created to glorify God, instead of worshipping the living God. In Ruth, he highlights the role of kinsman-redeemer and how Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of that role. Today's readings are Judges 6-8, Ruth 3, and Psalm 135.
Day 47: The Golden Calf (2024)
February 16th, 2024 | 23 mins 47 secs
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In today's reading from Exodus 32, Fr. Mike shows us how when we become uncertain, we immediate try to take control of the situation, and build up idols in our hearts. We also read Leviticus 23 and Psalm 79.
Day 233: Correct me, O Lord (2023)
August 21st, 2023 | 24 mins 40 secs
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Fr. Mike shows us from our reading of Jeremiah that when we give our hearts and minds over to idols we become foolish. The way of man is not in himself, we need the Lord to guide and correct us. In Ezekiel, we read about the vision of the measuring of the temple and Fr. Mike shows us how the early Church Fathers would read the Old Testament in light of the New Testament. Today’s readings are Jeremiah 10-11, Ezekiel 40, and Proverbs 15:5-8.
Day 230: A New Heart (2023)
August 18th, 2023 | 25 mins 31 secs
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Reflecting on the stubbornness of the Israelites' hearts from today's readings, Fr. Mike teaches us that we cannot always trust our imperfect hearts, because they are not always aligned God's law and will, and they can often lead us into false worship. However, we can rely on God who promises to give us a new heart so that we can do what we ought. Today's readings are Jeremiah 7, Ezekiel 36, and Proverbs 14:29-32.
Day 218: Each Will Be Judged (2023)
August 6th, 2023 | 28 mins 9 secs
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Fr. Mike reflects on some of the ways that people turn away from God, including: worshipping idols, fasting for selfish reasons, and not honoring the sabbath. He also highlights the passage from Ezekiel 18 that tells us that each person will be judged by their own actions, and not by those of their parents or children. The readings are Isaiah 57-58, Ezekiel 17-18, and Proverbs 13:5-8.
Day 208: The Futility of Idols (2023)
July 27th, 2023 | 25 mins 36 secs
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Fr. Mike explains the three ways the people are tempted to turn away from God while in exile: by not worshipping God the way He has asked, by worshipping false idols, and by being superstitious and fearful of false gods. Today's reading are Isaiah 37-38, Baruch 5-6, and Proverbs 11:25-28.