The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
The definitive Catholic Bible in a year podcast, brought to you by Ascension
We found 10 episodes of The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) with the tag “idolatry”.
Day 225: Our Will Versus God's Will (2023)
August 13th, 2023 | 25 mins 7 secs
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Fr. Mike reviews one of the most powerful verses in Proverbs, dealing with personal discernment and wanting to follow our own will instead of God's. He also goes into a deeper explanation of the prophet, Jeremiah, and how we ourselves can reflect the actions of Israel in the Old Testament. Today's readings are Jeremiah 2, Ezekiel 28, and Proverbs 14:9-12.
Day 218: Each Will Be Judged (2023)
August 6th, 2023 | 28 mins 9 secs
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Fr. Mike reflects on some of the ways that people turn away from God, including: worshipping idols, fasting for selfish reasons, and not honoring the sabbath. He also highlights the passage from Ezekiel 18 that tells us that each person will be judged by their own actions, and not by those of their parents or children. The readings are Isaiah 57-58, Ezekiel 17-18, and Proverbs 13:5-8.
Day 212: God's Instrument (2023)
July 31st, 2023 | 23 mins 16 secs
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Fr. Mike highlights the works of King Cyrus, who we met yesterday, and how he is able to contribute to the will of God without actually knowing him. Cyrus not only shows us that no soul is ever too far for God's grace, but that God makes all things new, and is able to bring beautiful blessings from the most desperate situations. Today's readings are Isaiah 45-46, Ezekiel 6-7, and Proverbs 12:9-12.
Day 208: The Futility of Idols (2023)
July 27th, 2023 | 25 mins 36 secs
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Fr. Mike explains the three ways the people are tempted to turn away from God while in exile: by not worshipping God the way He has asked, by worshipping false idols, and by being superstitious and fearful of false gods. Today's reading are Isaiah 37-38, Baruch 5-6, and Proverbs 11:25-28.
Day 204: Zephaniah's Warnings (2023)
July 23rd, 2023 | 32 mins 3 secs
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As we begin reading the Book of Zephaniah, Fr. Mike draws our attention to the first five accusations Zephaniah declares against the people of Judah; idolatry, lack of prayer, poor leadership, superstitions, and lack of belief in God's judgment. Today we read Isaiah 28-29, Zephaniah 1-2, and Proverbs 11:9-12.
Day 200: Egypt, Assyria, and Israel (2023)
July 19th, 2023 | 20 mins 42 secs
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Fr. Mike celebrates Day 200 of our journey by highlighting the relationship between Egypt, Assyria, and Israel according to the Lord's plan. We have a God who died for his enemies to make him his friends, and we see that foreshadowed in Isaiah, concerning the horrific acts of Assyria and Egypt. Today's readings are Isaiah 18-20, Nahum 1-2, and Proverbs 10:25-28.
Day 190: Judah Is Overrun (2023)
July 9th, 2023 | 16 mins 56 secs
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As we near the end of 2 Kings, Fr. Mike takes us through Babylon's conquest of Judah, under the leadership of King Nebuchadnezzar. He touches on the importance of wisdom in the Book of Proverbs, and revisits the sons of Josiah in order to explain why the people of Israel are so lost. Today's readings are 2 Kings 24, 2 Chronicles 35, and Proverbs 8:22-36.
Day 189: Follow the Lord (2023)
July 8th, 2023 | 22 mins 40 secs
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Fr. Mike explains why it's important to focus on our own journey with the Lord over those around us while highlighting the leadership of king Josiah. He also reminds us how the mistakes of past kings had led Israel down a dark path. Today's readings are 2 Kings 23, 2 Chronicles 34, and Proverbs 8:1-21.
Day 188: The Book of the Law (2023)
July 7th, 2023 | 18 mins 7 secs
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Fr. Mike introduces us to the Book of Proverbs, while reflecting on the lack of devotion Israel has shown towards God and the Book of the Law. Much like God gave the Book of the Law to Israel, he's given the Bible to us to continue following him faithfully. Today's readings are 2 Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 33, and Proverbs 7.
Day 187: Praying for Time (2023)
July 6th, 2023 | 19 mins 57 secs
2 chronicles 32, 2 kings 21, ascension, ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, becoming better, becoming holier, bible, bible in a year, bible in a year podcast, bible in a year with father mike, bible in a year with father mike schmitz, bible in a year with fr mike, bible in a year with fr.mike, bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz, bible podcast, bible podcast father mike, bible podcast father mike schmitz, bible podcast fr mike, bible podcast fr.mike, bible podcast fr.mike schmitz, bible study, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, death, father mike, father mike schmitz, fr mike, fr. mike schmitz, fr.mike, god, god's plan, god's timing, god’s word, hezekiah and manasseh, idolatry, jesus, jesus christ, king hezekiah, king manasseh, king of judah, manasseh, mortal sin, people of israel, praying for healing, praying for time, pride, psalm 145, read the bible, read the bible in a year, religion, roman catholic, salvation history, scripture, temple of god, temple of the lord, the bible in a year with father mike schmitz, the bible in a year with fr mike, the great adventure bible, the great adventure timeline, the word of god, the bible in a year with father mike, time, totus tuus, turning away from the lord, the bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz
Fr. Mike recalls Hezekiah's prayer for more time and reveals how Hezekiah did not use that time wisely. We all are only given a specific amount of time on this earth, and it's up to us to use that time to become more like Christ, so we can spend eternity with him in heaven. Today's readings are 2 Kings 21, 2 Chronicles 32, and Psalm 145.