The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
The definitive Catholic Bible in a year podcast, brought to you by Ascension
We found 10 episodes of The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) with the tag “hope”.
Day 363: The New Covenant Priesthood (2022)
December 29th, 2022 | 23 mins 32 secs
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Fr. Mike draws a parallel between the symbols in the book of Revelation and the persecution by the Roman empire of the first Christians and encourages us to hold firm in our faith. Additionally, Fr. Mike reveals the beauty of the new covenant priesthood established by Jesus and explained in Hebrews. Today’s readings are Revelation 15-17, Hebrews 5-8, and Proverbs 31:23-25.
Day 354: Partakers of the Divine Nature (2022)
December 20th, 2022 | 22 mins
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Fr. Mike reflects on the powerful reality that the sacrament of Baptism makes us partakers of God's Divine nature, fundamentally changing us into beloved sons and daughters of God the Father. He also highlights how the second coming of Christ will come like a thief in the night, how Christians grieve with hope, and how we have to test the prophecies we hear from seers. Today's readings are 2 Peter 1-3, 1 Thessalonians 4-5, and Proverbs 30:17-19.
Day 324: The Name of Jesus (2022)
November 20th, 2022 | 23 mins 59 secs
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In Acts 3, Peter used God’s gift of healing to allow God to restore a lame man. Fr. Mike reminds us that God gives us gifts so he can be known in the world and all great miracles are attributed to the name of Jesus. Fr. Mike also tells us why our suffering matters, and how God wastes nothing. Today’s readings are Acts 3, Romans 4-5, and Proverbs 27:1-3.
Day 256: Hard Seasons (2022)
September 13th, 2022 | 26 mins 7 secs
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Fr. Mike encourages us to never stop talking to God, even in the hardest seasons of our lives. Much like yesterday's readings, we're seeing a lot of pain and suffering the lives of our brothers and sisters, but we still have so much to hope for. Today’s readings are Jeremiah 51, Lamentations 4-5, and Proverbs 18:9-12.
Day 255: God Is Good (2022)
September 12th, 2022 | 29 mins 25 secs
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Fr. Mike guides us through another chapter of Jeremiah and connects it to the sorrow and pain we hear in Lamentations. He reminds us that, even with such evil and desperation filing the world these days, God is still good, and we still have reason to hope in him. Today's readings are Jeremiah 49-50, Lamentations 3, and Proverbs 18:5-8.
Day 203: Rejoice in the Lord (2022)
July 22nd, 2022 | 18 mins 50 secs
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Fr. Mike points out God's remarkable promise of deliverance to Israel even in the midst of their captivity and apparent hopelessness. Even when we don't see God working in our lives, we rejoice in God because we trust and hope in his promise of salvation. Today's readings are Isaiah 25-27, Habakkuk 3, and Proverbs 11:5-8.
Day 174: The Prophet Hosea (2022)
June 23rd, 2022 | 23 mins 57 secs
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Fr. Mike takes a break from 2 Chronicles to enter into the book of Hosea. We learn that Hosea was a prophet called to not only witness to God's words, but to his actions as well. Fr. Mike also touches on hope in times of intense healing, and how essential this virtue is when striving to live a life for Christ. Today's readings are 2 Kings 5, Hosea 1-3, and Psalm 101.
Day 131: Hope for the Future (2022)
May 11th, 2022 | 24 mins 17 secs
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Fr. Mike preaches hope for the future of those with wounded hearts as we read the stories of Tamar, Amnon, and David. No matter what's in your past - things you've done or things that have been done to you - there is abundant hope for your future because God desires to make you whole. Today's readings are 2 Samuel 13, 1 Chronicles 17, and Psalm 35.
Day 102: The Death of Lazarus (2022)
April 12th, 2022 | 25 mins 10 secs
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Fr. Mike recalls the death of Lazarus, and how Jesus not only allowed himself to be broken by the sorrow that breaks us but also how he took that hopelessness and brought forth life. He also explains how the covenants we've seen in the Old Testament are all leading to the eternal covenant that will be instituted through Christ on the Cross. Today's readings are John 10-12 and Proverbs 6:1-5.
Day 90: Ruth and Boaz (2022)
March 31st, 2022 | 20 mins 6 secs
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Fr. Mike highlights the life of Ruth, and what seems to be the first day of hope she's had in a long time. Sometimes it takes a long time to catch a glimmer of hope in the darkness of our lives, but Ruth reminds us that no matter what we've been through, God is always with us. Today's readings are Judges 4-5, Ruth 2, and Psalm 134.