The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
The definitive Catholic Bible in a year podcast, brought to you by Ascension
We found 10 episodes of The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) with the tag “bible”.
Day 355: The Things of This World (2023)
December 21st, 2023 | 22 mins 13 secs
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Fr. Mike reminds us that, unlike Adam and Eve who gave into "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life," we are called to surrender our hearts and minds to the Lord and reject the things of this world. Today's readings are 1 John 1-3; 2 Thessalonians 1-3; Proverbs 30:20-23.
Day 354: Partakers of the Divine Nature (2023)
December 20th, 2023 | 22 mins
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Fr. Mike reflects on the powerful reality that the sacrament of Baptism makes us partakers of God's Divine nature, fundamentally changing us into beloved sons and daughters of God the Father. He also highlights how the second coming of Christ will come like a thief in the night, how Christians grieve with hope, and how we have to test the prophecies we hear from seers. Today's readings are 2 Peter 1-3, 1 Thessalonians 4-5, and Proverbs 30:17-19.
Day 353: Sharing the Gospel (2023)
December 19th, 2023 | 24 mins 9 secs
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Fr. Mike shares how verse 1 Peter 3:15 about being ready to give a reason for the faith that is within us has been one of the most influential Bible verses for him. As we start reading 1 Thessalonians today, Fr. Mike also highlights how Paul is encouraged by the faith of the Thessalonians and stresses the importance of not only sharing the gospel but also sharing our very selves. Today's readings are 1 Peter 3-5, 1 Thessalonians 1-3, and Proverbs 30:15-16.
Day 352: Purified by Fire (2023)
December 18th, 2023 | 23 mins 36 secs
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As we begin reading 1 Peter today, Fr. Mike walks us through Peter's powerful message about persevering in trials, trusting that those sufferings purify our love and faith by teaching us to love God for his own sake and not just the gifts he blesses us with. Finally, as we wrap up Colossians, Fr. Mike highlights St. Paul's call to uphold the obligations we have to others in society, in our family, and in our work. Today we read 1 Peter 1-2, Colossians 3-4, and Proverbs 30:10-14.
Day 351: Draw Near to God (2023)
December 17th, 2023 | 26 mins 15 secs
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Fr. Mike reflects on the effects of wealth on our souls and our relationship with God. He emphasizes the importance of resisting the devil and invites us to draw near to God because he is constantly pursuing us, especially as we share in his suffering. Today’s readings are James 3-5, Colossians 1-2, and Proverbs 30:7-9.
Day 350: Faith and Works (2023)
December 16th, 2023 | 23 mins 51 secs
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Fr. Mike provides the context and background of the letter of James. Fr. Mike unpacks the beautiful truths contained in the letter of James, including a discussion of faith and works and addressing the importance of demonstrating our intrinsic belonging to the Lord through our actions. Today’s readings are James 1-2, Philippians 3-4, and Proverbs 30:1-6.
Day 349: Holy Indifference (2023)
December 15th, 2023 | 23 mins 4 secs
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Today we conclude the book of Acts, and Fr. Mike reflects on our deep conviction to be the Church by serving all in the world, furthuring St. Paul’s legacy of ordinary service, a willingness to share the gospel, and a dedication to following God’s will. Today’s readings are Acts 28, Philippians 1-2, and Proverbs 29:25-27.
Day 348: Rules for the New Life (2023)
December 14th, 2023 | 25 mins 19 secs
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Fr. Mike highlights a secret to holiness visible in Paul’s ability to see his arduous trip to Rome as the will of God. He also clears up confusion in regards to Paul’s direction for wives to be subject to their husbands, again drawing our attention to our call to love and serve while being subject to each other out of reverence for Christ. Today’s readings are Acts 27, Ephesians 4-6, and Proverbs 29:22-24.
Day 347: Witness to Unbelievers (2023)
December 13th, 2023 | 23 mins 33 secs
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Fr. Mike outlines Paul’s trial before King Agrippa and his efforts to use his conversion story to convert those hearing his case. He also leads us through the first half of Ephesians, emphasizing Paul’s main theme of unity in the spirit. Today’s readings are from Acts 26, Ephesians 1-3, and Proverbs 29:18-21.
Day 346: Fruits of the Spirit (2023)
December 12th, 2023 | 21 mins
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Fr. Mike reminds us of the context of Galatians and reiterates Paul’s admonition not to revert to our previous ways of life now that we have been freed from the yoke of slavery. He also discusses the works of the flesh which separate us from Christ and the fruits of the spirit which result from a life lived in God, reminding us that we will reap what we sow in due season. Today’s readings are Acts 25, Galatians 4-6, and Proverbs 29:15-17.