The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
The definitive Catholic Bible in a year podcast, brought to you by Ascension
We found 10 episodes of The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) with the tag “bible study”.
Day 95: The Sin of Benjamin (2022)
April 5th, 2022 | 24 mins 53 secs
12 tribes, ascension, ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, benjamin, bible, bible in a year, bible in a year podcast, bible in a year with father mike, bible in a year with father mike schmitz, bible in a year with fr mike, bible in a year with fr.mike, bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz, bible podcast, bible podcast father mike, bible podcast father mike schmitz, bible podcast fr mike, bible podcast fr.mike, bible podcast fr.mike schmitz, bible study, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, conquest and judges, father mike, father mike schmitz, fr mike, fr. mike schmitz, fr.mike, god, god’s word, jesus, jesus christ, judges 19, judges 20, judges 21, psalm 148, read the bible, read the bible in a year, religion, roman catholic, salvation history, scripture, the bible in a year with father mike schmitz, the bible in a year with fr mike, the great adventure bible, the great adventure timeline, the word of god, the bible in a year with father mike, totus tuus, tribes of israel, the bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz
As we conclude the book of Judges, we hear about the horrifying events that occurred among the tribes of Israel in the days when "every man did what was right in his own eyes". The readings for today are Judges 19-21 and Psalm 148.
Day 94: Samson and Delilah (2022)
April 4th, 2022 | 24 mins 35 secs
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Today we follow two stories of betrayal with Samson and Delilah and Micah and the Levite. Fr. Mike also explains why Judges is the best example of how God can use broken people to do his will. The reading are Judges 16-18 and Psalm 147.
Day 93: Strengths and Weaknesses (2022)
April 3rd, 2022 | 21 mins 19 secs
ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible in a year, bible in a year podcast, bible in a year with father mike, bible in a year with father mike schmitz, bible in a year with fr mike, bible in a year with fr.mike, bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz, bible podcast, bible podcast father mike, bible podcast father mike schmitz, bible podcast fr mike, bible podcast fr.mike, bible podcast fr.mike schmitz, bible study, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, conquest and judges, father mike, father mike schmitz, fr mike, fr. mike schmitz, fr.mike, god, god’s word, jesus, jesus christ, judges 12, judges 13, judges 14, judges 15, psalm 146 ascension, read the bible, read the bible in a year, religion, roman catholic, salvation history, samson, scripture, strength of samson, the bible in a year with father mike schmitz, the bible in a year with fr mike, the great adventure bible, the great adventure timeline, the word of god, the bible in a year with father mike, totus tuus, the bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz
Today, Fr. Mike begins to read Samson's story and points out that Samson, despite his physical strength, has a lot of weaknesses. The readings are Judges 12-15 and Psalm 146.
Day 92: Jephthah's Vow (2022)
April 2nd, 2022 | 28 mins 18 secs
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Today's readings are Judges 9-11, Ruth 4, and Psalm 137. In the reading from Judges, we hear about the rise and fall of Abimelech, as well as the misguided and heartbreaking vow Jephthah makes to God in return for victory over the Ammonites. We also conclude the book of Ruth with the marriage of Boaz and Ruth.
Day 91: Gideon's Story (2022)
April 1st, 2022 | 27 mins 41 secs
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In today's reading from Judges, Fr. Mike talk about Gideon's story, and points out how the people began to worship the object Gideon had created to glorify God, instead of worshipping the living God. In Ruth, he highlights the role of kinsman-redeemer and how Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of that role. Today's readings are Judges 6-8, Ruth 3, and Psalm 135.
Day 90: Ruth and Boaz (2022)
March 31st, 2022 | 20 mins 6 secs
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Fr. Mike highlights the life of Ruth, and what seems to be the first day of hope she's had in a long time. Sometimes it takes a long time to catch a glimmer of hope in the darkness of our lives, but Ruth reminds us that no matter what we've been through, God is always with us. Today's readings are Judges 4-5, Ruth 2, and Psalm 134.
Day 89: Israel's Cycle of Disobedience (2022)
March 30th, 2022 | 26 mins 44 secs
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Welcome to the book of Judges! Fr. Mike foreshadows the events of Judges, and the cycle of disobedience we'll continue to see Israel go through. He also gives some context on the book of Ruth, and how we can find grace within the frustrating moments of Scripture. Today's readings are Judges 1-3, Ruth 1, and Psalm 133.
Day 88: Joshua's Last Words to Israel (2022)
March 29th, 2022 | 21 mins 46 secs
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Fr. Mike focuses on the last words Joshua speaks to the people of Israel, and how he calls them to choose the Lord above all other things. We all have idols in our lives that take us away from God; how are we choosing to love Christ above these idols today? Today's readings are Joshua 22-24, and Psalm 132.
Day 87: God Keeps His Promises (2022)
March 28th, 2022 | 19 mins 5 secs
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Fr. Mike reminds us that God keeps his promises, even if it takes a little longer than we thought. Just like the people of Israel received everything the Lord had promised them, we too will receive everything the Lord has promised us, even in the midst of hardship and temptation. Today's readings are Joshua 19-21, and Psalm 131.
Day 86: The Real Presence of God (2022)
March 27th, 2022 | 20 mins 35 secs
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Fr. Mike reminds us that God is present with us in every step of our journey, even the seemingly mundane aspects. He also encourages us to not be discouraged on this journey, but to focus on relating to the historic stories of our biblical brothers and sisters. Today's readings are Joshua 15-18, and Psalm 130.