The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
The definitive Catholic Bible in a year podcast, brought to you by Ascension
We found 10 episodes of The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) with the tag “bible in a year podcast”.
Introduction to the Church (with Jeff Cavins) - 2023
November 18th, 2023 | 40 mins 14 secs
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Welcome to The Church period! Jeff Cavins joins Fr. Mike to discuss the final time period of the Bible Timeline. They discuss the historical context of the early Church, why Rome and the early martyrs are so significant, and how the Holy Spirit takes on a major role. They also explain the differences between Acts, the epistles, and the book of Revelation.
Day 321: Jesus' Prayer in the Garden (2023)
November 17th, 2023 | 26 mins 46 secs
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Fr. Mike highlights how Jesus didn't pray in order get something from God, he prayed in order to be close to God. He also points to Jesus' prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane as a perfect example of how we should pray with honesty and trust. Lastly, Fr. Mike provides insights on the significance of the walk to Emmaus and Jesus' last words on the cross. The readings are Luke 22:39-24:53 and Proverbs 26:20-23.
Day 320: Peter's Denial Foretold (2023)
November 16th, 2023 | 23 mins 5 secs
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As we draw near to the end of the Gospel of Luke, Fr. Mike briefly expands on the story of the poor widow’s offering, emphasizing that the Lord cares more about the size of our hearts than about the size of our gifts. Fr. Mike also underscores Jesus’ moving words to Peter when he foretells Peter’s denial. Jesus’ words remind us that no matter how fiercely the enemy tries to attack us, he is always praying for each and every one of us. Today's readings are Luke 20-22:38 and Proverbs 26:17-19.
Day 319: Come, Follow Me (2023)
November 15th, 2023 | 24 mins 24 secs
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Fr. Mike compares the story of the rich young man to the story of Zacchaeus, highlighting the difference in their willingness to follow Christ with their whole hearts. Looking at the stories of these young men, Fr. Mike invites us to reflect on our willingness to follow Christ with all that we are and all that we have. Today we read Luke 17-19 and Proverbs 26:13-16.
Day 318: The Narrow Gate, the Lost Sheep, and the Prodigal Son (2023)
November 14th, 2023 | 33 mins 46 secs
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Fr. Mike confronts the hard truth Jesus preaches in today's readings: Many people will ultimately choose hell over heaven. While this can be deeply distressing, Fr. Mike reminds us to focus on Jesus's directive to each one of us: "[You] Strive to enter through the narrow gate." In the second part of today's commentary, Fr. Mike reflects on two of Jesus' most well-known parables: the parable of the Lost Sheep and the parable of the Prodigal Son. Today's readings are Luke 13-16 and Proverbs 26:10-12.
Day 317: Persistence in Prayer (2023)
November 13th, 2023 | 26 mins 49 secs
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Fr. Mike reflects on the goodness and providence of God the Father, emphasizing how Jesus calls us to be shamelessly persistent in prayer. Fr. Mike also explains two difficult passages found in today's readings: what Jesus means when he tells the story of an unclean spirit who is cast out only to return, and what Jesus means when he says he comes not to bring peace but division. Today's readings are Luke 11-12 and Proverbs 26:7-9.
Day 316: Absolute Surrender (2023)
November 12th, 2023 | 23 mins 35 secs
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Fr. Mike discusses our call to deny ourselves and take up our cross, specifically focusing on God’s call to renounce all that is ours and trust in him. He also highlights the story of Mary and Martha and encourages us not to allow the cares of life to choke the life of God out of our lives as Martha allowed her troubles and anxieties to do. Today’s readings are from Luke 9-10 and Proverbs 26:4-6.
Day 315: The Virtue of Mercy (2023)
November 11th, 2023 | 28 mins 30 secs
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In light of a series of miracles in our readings for today, Fr. Mike focuses on our Lord’s compassion and our call to be merciful, as he is. He emphasizes the beauty of God’s mercy and his offering of it despite our unworthiness. He also strikes a balance between the goodness of humanity as God’s creation and our brokenness due to original sin. Today’s readings are Luke 6-8 and Proverbs 26:1-3.
Day 314: My Beloved Son (2023)
November 10th, 2023 | 28 mins 4 secs
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Fr. Mike elaborates on the significance of the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River. He points out that the location of the Jordan River is particularly noteworthy because it's the same river that Joshua crossed over to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land, signifying that Jesus will bring about a new exodus. Additionally, it's the lowest spot on the planet, symbolizing Jesus' humility. Finally, Fr. Mike emphasizes that when we are baptized, we are adopted as beloved sons and daughters of God because what belongs to Jesus by his nature is given to us by God’s grace. Today we read Luke 3-5 and Proverbs 25:27-28.
Day 313: The Ark of the New Covenant (2023)
November 9th, 2023 | 26 mins 29 secs
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As we begin reading the Gospel of Luke, Fr. Mike draws our attention to Mary. He clarifies the difference between Zechariah's response and Mary's response to the angel Gabriel, and also explains why Mary is the Ark of the new Covenant. We learn that through Mary, God begins to fulfill his promises to the people of Israel. Today's readings are Luke 1-2, and Proverbs 25:24-26.