The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
The definitive Catholic Bible in a year podcast, brought to you by Ascension
We found 9 episodes of The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) with the tag “promises”.
Day 75: The Keeping of Vows (2025)
March 16th, 2025 | 22 mins 14 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible in a year, bible in a year podcast, bible in a year with father mike, bible in a year with father mike schmitz, bible in a year with fr mike, bible in a year with fr.mike, bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz, bible podcast, bible podcast father mike, bible podcast father mike schmitz, bible podcast fr mike, bible podcast fr.mike, bible podcast fr.mike schmitz, bible study, breaking vows, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, deuteronomy 29, father mike, father mike schmitz, feast of abundance, feast of atonement, fr mike, fr. mike schmitz, fr.mike, god, god’s word, jesus, jesus christ, numbers 29-30, old testament feasts, promised land, promises, psalm 113, read the bible, read the bible in a year, religion, roman catholic, salvation history, scripture, the bible in a year with father mike schmitz, the bible in a year with fr mike, the great adventure bible, the great adventure timeline, the word of god, the bible in a year with father mike, totus tuus, vows, the bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz
Fr. Mike gives us some background around the feast days of the Old Testament and emphasizes the importance of vows, which are serious promises made with God. Today's readings are Numbers 29-30, Deuteronomy 29, and Psalm 113.
Day 334: The Meaning of Fasting (2024)
November 29th, 2024 | 23 mins 58 secs
1 corinthians 7, 1 corinthians 8, acts 13, acts of the apostles, antioch, ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, barnabas, bible, bible in a year, bible in a year podcast, bible in a year with father mike, bible in a year with father mike schmitz, bible in a year with fr mike, bible in a year with fr.mike, bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz, bible podcast, bible podcast father mike, bible podcast father mike schmitz, bible podcast fr mike, bible podcast fr.mike, bible podcast fr.mike schmitz, bible study, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, circumcision, cyprus, evangelism, evangelistic outreach, faithful, fasting, father mike, father mike schmitz, food, fr mike, fr. mike schmitz, fr.mike, gentiles, god, god’s word, holiness, husband, jesus, jesus christ, jews, marriage, mission ascension, paul, prayer, promises, proverbs 28, read the bible, read the bible in a year, religion, roman catholic, salvation history, saul, scripture, the bible in a year with father mike schmitz, the bible in a year with fr mike, the great adventure bible, the great adventure timeline, the word of god, the bible in a year with father mike, totus tuus, vocation, wife, the bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz
Fr. Mike highlights the importance of prayer and fasting, instructing us how to fast and empty ourselves to feel our spiritual need for Christ. He also discusses faithfulness in vocations and living out the life God has called you to. Today’s readings are from Acts 13, 1 Corinthians 7-8, and Proverbs 28:4-6.
Day 273: The Lord's Work (2024)
September 29th, 2024 | 23 mins 17 secs
ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible in a year, bible in a year podcast, bible in a year with father mike, bible in a year with father mike schmitz, bible in a year with fr mike, bible in a year with fr.mike, bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz, bible podcast, bible podcast father mike, bible podcast father mike schmitz, bible podcast fr mike, bible podcast fr.mike, bible podcast fr.mike schmitz, bible study, calling, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, father mike, father mike schmitz, fr mike, fr. mike schmitz, fr.mike, gate, god, god's promises, god's will ascension, god’s word, humility, influence, jesus, jesus christ, judah, leadership, nehemiah 3, promises, prophet zechariah, proverbs 20, read the bible, read the bible in a year, religion, restoration, roman catholic, salvation history, scripture, service, the bible in a year with father mike schmitz, the bible in a year with fr mike, the great adventure bible, the great adventure timeline, the word of god, the bible in a year with father mike, totus tuus, wall, work, work ethic, zechariah 14, the bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz
"Fr. Mike continues discussing the call of Nehemiah and how we should approach the work the Lord calls us to do. He explains why all work is divine participation in God’s Kingdom on earth and encourages us to remember our service to God and to others, keeping our focus on serving and loving in the realm of our influence. Today’s readings are Nehemiah 3, Zechariah 14, and Proverbs 20:23-26."
Day 75: The Keeping of Vows (2024)
March 15th, 2024 | 23 mins 3 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible in a year, bible in a year podcast, bible in a year with father mike, bible in a year with father mike schmitz, bible in a year with fr mike, bible in a year with fr.mike, bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz, bible podcast, bible podcast father mike, bible podcast father mike schmitz, bible podcast fr mike, bible podcast fr.mike, bible podcast fr.mike schmitz, bible study, breaking vows, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, deuteronomy 29, father mike, father mike schmitz, feast of abundance, feast of atonement, fr mike, fr. mike schmitz, fr.mike, god, god’s word, jesus, jesus christ, numbers 29-30, old testament feasts, promised land, promises, psalm 113, read the bible, read the bible in a year, religion, roman catholic, salvation history, scripture, the bible in a year with father mike schmitz, the bible in a year with fr mike, the great adventure bible, the great adventure timeline, the word of god, the bible in a year with father mike, totus tuus, vows, the bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz
Fr. Mike gives us some background around the feast days of the Old Testament and emphasizes the importance of vows, which are serious promises made with God. Today's readings are Numbers 29-30, Deuteronomy 29, and Psalm 113.
Day 334: The Meaning of Fasting (2023)
November 30th, 2023 | 24 mins 13 secs
1 corinthians 7, 1 corinthians 8, acts 13, acts of the apostles, antioch, ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, barnabas, bible, bible in a year, bible in a year podcast, bible in a year with father mike, bible in a year with father mike schmitz, bible in a year with fr mike, bible in a year with fr.mike, bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz, bible podcast, bible podcast father mike, bible podcast father mike schmitz, bible podcast fr mike, bible podcast fr.mike, bible podcast fr.mike schmitz, bible study, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, circumcision, cyprus, evangelism, evangelistic outreach, faithful, fasting, father mike, father mike schmitz, food, fr mike, fr. mike schmitz, fr.mike, gentiles, god, god’s word, holiness, husband, jesus, jesus christ, jews, marriage, mission, paul, prayer, promises, proverbs 28, read the bible, read the bible in a year, religion, roman catholic, salvation history, saul, scripture, the bible in a year with father mike schmitz, the bible in a year with fr mike, the great adventure bible, the great adventure timeline, the word of god, the bible in a year with father mike, totus tuus, vocation, wife, the bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz
Fr. Mike highlights the importance of prayer and fasting, instructing us how to fast and empty ourselves to feel our spiritual need for Christ. He also discusses faithfulness in vocations and living out the life God has called you to. Today’s readings are from Acts 13, 1 Corinthians 7-8, and Proverbs 28:4-6.
Day 273: The Lord's Work (2023)
September 30th, 2023 | 23 mins 17 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible in a year, bible in a year podcast, bible in a year with father mike, bible in a year with father mike schmitz, bible in a year with fr mike, bible in a year with fr.mike, bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz, bible podcast, bible podcast father mike, bible podcast father mike schmitz, bible podcast fr mike, bible podcast fr.mike, bible podcast fr.mike schmitz, bible study, calling, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, father mike, father mike schmitz, fr mike, fr. mike schmitz, fr.mike, gate, god, god's promises, god's will, god’s word, humility, influence, jesus, jesus christ, judah, leadership, nehemiah 3, promises, prophet zechariah, proverbs 20, read the bible, read the bible in a year, religion, restoration, roman catholic, salvation history, scripture, service, the bible in a year with father mike schmitz, the bible in a year with fr mike, the great adventure bible, the great adventure timeline, the word of god, the bible in a year with father mike, totus tuus, wall, work, work ethic, zechariah 14, the bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz
Fr. Mike continues discussing the call of Nehemiah and how we should approach the work the Lord calls us to do. He explains why all work is divine participation in God’s Kingdom on earth and encourages us to remember our service to God and to others, keeping our focus on serving and loving in the realm of our influence. Today’s readings are Nehemiah 3, Zechariah 14, and Proverbs 20:23-26.
Day 75: The Keeping of Vows (2023)
March 16th, 2023 | 22 mins 14 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible in a year, bible in a year podcast, bible in a year with father mike, bible in a year with father mike schmitz, bible in a year with fr mike, bible in a year with fr.mike, bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz, bible podcast, bible podcast father mike, bible podcast father mike schmitz, bible podcast fr mike, bible podcast fr.mike, bible podcast fr.mike schmitz, bible study, breaking vows, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, deuteronomy 29, father mike, father mike schmitz, feast of abundance, feast of atonement, fr mike, fr. mike schmitz, fr.mike, god, god’s word, jesus, jesus christ, numbers 29-30, old testament feasts, promised land, promises, psalm 113, read the bible, read the bible in a year, religion, roman catholic, salvation history, scripture, the bible in a year with father mike schmitz, the bible in a year with fr mike, the great adventure bible, the great adventure timeline, the word of god, the bible in a year with father mike, totus tuus, vows, the bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz
Fr. Mike gives us some background around the feast days of the Old Testament and emphasizes the importance of vows, which are serious promises made with God. Today's readings are Numbers 29-30, Deuteronomy 29, and Psalm 113.
Day 273: The Lord's Work (2022)
September 30th, 2022 | 23 mins 17 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible in a year, bible in a year podcast, bible in a year with father mike, bible in a year with father mike schmitz, bible in a year with fr mike, bible in a year with fr.mike, bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz, bible podcast, bible podcast father mike, bible podcast father mike schmitz, bible podcast fr mike, bible podcast fr.mike, bible podcast fr.mike schmitz, bible study, calling, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, father mike, father mike schmitz, fr mike, fr. mike schmitz, fr.mike, gate, god, god's promises, god's will, god’s word, humility, influence, jesus, jesus christ, judah, leadership, nehemiah 3, promises, prophet zechariah, proverbs 20, read the bible, read the bible in a year, religion, restoration, roman catholic, salvation history, scripture, service, the bible in a year with father mike schmitz, the bible in a year with fr mike, the great adventure bible, the great adventure timeline, the word of god, the bible in a year with father mike, totus tuus, wall, work, work ethic, zechariah 14, the bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz
Fr. Mike continues discussing the call of Nehemiah and how we should approach the work the Lord calls us to do. He explains why all work is divine participation in God’s Kingdom on earth and encourages us to remember our service to God and to others, keeping our focus on serving and loving in the realm of our influence. Today’s readings are Nehemiah 3, Zechariah 14, and Proverbs 20:23-26.
Day 75: The Keeping of Vows (2022)
March 16th, 2022 | 22 mins 14 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible in a year, bible in a year podcast, bible in a year with father mike, bible in a year with father mike schmitz, bible in a year with fr mike, bible in a year with fr.mike, bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz, bible podcast, bible podcast father mike, bible podcast father mike schmitz, bible podcast fr mike, bible podcast fr.mike, bible podcast fr.mike schmitz, bible study, breaking vows, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, deuteronomy 29, father mike, father mike schmitz, feast of abundance, feast of atonement, fr mike, fr. mike schmitz, fr.mike, god, god’s word, jesus, jesus christ, numbers 29-30, old testament feasts, promised land, promises, psalm 113, read the bible, read the bible in a year, religion, roman catholic, salvation history, scripture, the bible in a year with father mike schmitz, the bible in a year with fr mike, the great adventure bible, the great adventure timeline, the word of god, the bible in a year with father mike, totus tuus, vows, the bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz
Fr. Mike gives us some background around the feast days of the Old Testament and emphasizes the importance of vows, which are serious promises made with God. Today's readings are Numbers 29-30, Deuteronomy 29, and Psalm 113.