The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
The definitive Catholic Bible in a year podcast, brought to you by Ascension
We found 10 episodes of The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) with the tag “prayer”.
Day 60: Intercessory Prayer (2025)
March 1st, 2025 | 21 mins 15 secs
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Fr. Mike makes note of how the tribes of Israel travel with Judah (praise) leading the way, and makes note of how Moses intercedes for the people and acts as a mediator between God and man. Today's readings are Numbers 10, Deuteronomy 9, and Psalm 10.
Day 352: Purified by Fire (2024)
December 17th, 2024 | 23 mins 36 secs
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As we begin reading 1 Peter today, Fr. Mike walks us through Peter's powerful message about persevering in trials, trusting that those sufferings purify our love and faith by teaching us to love God for his own sake and not just the gifts he blesses us with. Finally, as we wrap up Colossians, Fr. Mike highlights St. Paul's call to uphold the obligations we have to others in society, in our family, and in our work. Today we read 1 Peter 1-2, Colossians 3-4, and Proverbs 30:10-14.
Day 334: The Meaning of Fasting (2024)
November 29th, 2024 | 23 mins 58 secs
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Fr. Mike highlights the importance of prayer and fasting, instructing us how to fast and empty ourselves to feel our spiritual need for Christ. He also discusses faithfulness in vocations and living out the life God has called you to. Today’s readings are from Acts 13, 1 Corinthians 7-8, and Proverbs 28:4-6.
Day 325: Boldness in Faith (2024)
November 20th, 2024 | 25 mins 24 secs
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Fr. Mike highlights the boldness of Peter and John in our reading from Acts as they stand before the council of church leaders and defend the name of Jesus. He also addresses Paul’s writings on God’s grace given to us in our sinfulness and the war between good and evil present within ourselves. Today’s readings are Acts 4, Romans 6-7, and Proverbs 27:4-6.
Day 323: Pentecost (2024)
November 18th, 2024 | 23 mins 52 secs
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Fr. Mike shares the powerful story of the Holy Spirit coming upon the apostles in the upper room. He emphasizes how God calls us to go out into the world with his Spirit and live in community and with devotion to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, the Eucharist, and prayer just like the first Christians. Today’s readings are Acts 2, Romans 2-3, and Proverbs 26:27-28.
Day 321: Jesus' Prayer in the Garden (2024)
November 16th, 2024 | 26 mins 46 secs
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Fr. Mike highlights how Jesus didn't pray in order get something from God, he prayed in order to be close to God. He also points to Jesus' prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane as a perfect example of how we should pray with honesty and trust. Lastly, Fr. Mike provides insights on the significance of the walk to Emmaus and Jesus' last words on the cross. The readings are Luke 22:39-24:53 and Proverbs 26:20-23.
Messianic Checkpoint: The Gospel of Luke (with Jeff Cavins) (2024)
November 8th, 2024 | 33 mins 53 secs
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Welcome to the last Messianic Checkpoint! Jeff Cavins joins Fr. Mike to introduce the Gospel of Luke and highlight the distinctive aspects of this synoptic Gospel. We learn that the Gospel of Luke uniquely captures the humanity of Jesus, the role of women, Jesus' frequent engagement with individuals on the margins, and the mystery of the Ascension.
Day 306: Wisdom Is Beautiful (2024)
November 1st, 2024 | 20 mins 56 secs
1 maccabees, 2 maccabees 9, antiochus, antiochus epiphanes, ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible in a year, bible in a year podcast, bible in a year with father mike, bible in a year with father mike schmitz, bible in a year with fr mike, bible in a year with fr.mike, bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz, bible podcast, bible podcast father mike, bible podcast father mike schmitz, bible podcast fr mike, bible podcast fr.mike, bible podcast fr.mike schmitz, bible study, book of wisdom, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholicism, catholics, characterization, christian, christianity, cliffhanger, death, description, father mike, father mike schmitz, feminine nature of wisdom, fr mike, fr. mike schmitz, fr.mike, god, god’s word, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, proverbs 25, read the bible, read the bible in a year, religion, roman catholic, salvation history, scripture, search for wisdom ascension, suffering, the bible in a year with father mike schmitz, the bible in a year with fr mike, the great adventure bible, the great adventure timeline, the word of god, the bible in a year with father mike, totus tuus, wisdom, wisdom 7, wisdom 8, worst day of your life, the bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz
Fr. Mike draws our attention to the descriptions of wisdom found in our readings for today and reflects on the beauty of wisdom’s feminine nature. He also discusses the death of Antiochus Epiphanes and offers two perspectives on reconciling God’s role in suffering. Today’s readings are from 2 Maccabees 9, Wisdom 7-8, and Proverbs 25:1-3.
Day 288: Battling Against Gossip (2024)
October 14th, 2024 | 23 mins 42 secs
1 maccabees, 1 maccabees 7, ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible in a year, bible in a year podcast, bible in a year with father mike, bible in a year with father mike schmitz, bible in a year with fr mike, bible in a year with fr.mike, bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz, bible podcast, bible podcast father mike, bible podcast father mike schmitz, bible podcast fr mike, bible podcast fr.mike, bible podcast fr.mike schmitz, bible study, biblical wisdom, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, father mike, father mike schmitz, fr mike, fr. mike schmitz, fr.mike, god, god’s word, goodness, gossip, jesus, jesus christ, maccabean revolt, maccabees, prayer, proverbs, proverbs 22, prudence ascension, read the bible, read the bible in a year, religion, roman catholic, salvation history, scripture, sin, sirach, sirach 19, sirach 20, sirach 21, the bible in a year with father mike schmitz, the bible in a year with fr mike, the great adventure bible, the great adventure timeline, the word of god, the bible in a year with father mike, totus tuus, trust, virtue, wisdom, the bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz
Fr. Mike explains the importance of wisdom in our everyday lives when we face temptations to gossip, encouraging us in the battle for virtue, wisdom, and goodness. He emphasizes that we must ask the Lord for his wisdom to guide us as we interact with the people around us, just like the Jews prayed before battle. Today’s readings are 1 Maccabees 7, Sirach 19-21, and Proverbs 22:22-25.
Day 277: Such a Time as This (2024)
October 3rd, 2024 | 27 mins 34 secs
ascension catholic, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, bible in a year, bible in a year podcast, bible in a year with father mike, bible in a year with father mike schmitz, bible in a year with fr mike, bible in a year with fr.mike, bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz, bible podcast, bible podcast father mike, bible podcast father mike schmitz, bible podcast fr mike, bible podcast fr.mike, bible podcast fr.mike schmitz, bible study, catholic, catholic bible, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, esther, esther's prayer, ezra, ezra's prayer, father mike, father mike schmitz, for such a time as this, fr mike, fr. mike schmitz, fr.mike, god, god's will, god’s word, grace, haman, jesus, jesus christ, mordecai, mordecai's prayer, nehemiah, nehemiah 9, pray, prayer, proverbs, proverbs 21 ascension, providence, queen esther, read the bible, read the bible in a year, religion, roman catholic, salvation history, scripture, such a time as this, the bible in a year with father mike schmitz, the bible in a year with fr mike, the great adventure bible, the great adventure timeline, the word of god, the bible in a year with father mike, totus tuus, will of god, the bible in a year with fr.mike schmitz
Today's readings remind us that all good things come from God, and he calls us to specific places and times for a reason. In the book of Esther, Fr. Mike points out that Esther was perfectly positioned to fulfill God's will. We too, can examine our lives and realize that there are places God has brought us, "for such a time as this". The readings are Nehemiah 9, Esther 4 and 14, and Proverbs 21:9-12.